What types of environmental measures can be taken to reduce the impact on the environment when owning a new build home?

Building tips for building a sustainable home Consider passive solar design. Invest in energy-efficient appliances for your home. Research your energy provider's renewable energy options. Sandbags can harm the environment near a construction site, but alternative solutions, such as inflatable dams and ground nets, are more respectful of local ecosystems.

They also offer the benefit of a much lower cost. They are easy to install and take up relatively little space, and help to minimize pollution in the form of washed up soil during construction projects. These controls also help reduce the amount of soil exposed during construction activities, and reducing soil exposure also helps limit erosion. Reuse buildings instead of building new ones.

Renovation and reuse projects typically save 50 to 75 percent of incorporated carbon emissions compared to building a new building. This is especially true if the foundations and structure are preserved, since most of the carbon incorporated resides there. With many projects, the first question should be: Are there any existing buildings that we can use instead? Admittedly, this is a hard sell for architects, after all, many of us went into the business out of the thrill and challenge of designing something new from scratch. However, channeling that energy and creativity to turn underperforming buildings into something beautiful, sustainable and energy efficient has its own rewards and produces significant positive benefits. 

There are many ways to reduce the impact on the environment. Any questions about how to stay eco friendly while building your house reach out to Mosaic Luxe Interior Design for any questions.

Most of these sustainability aspects are applicable to the renovation or construction of a new building. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the most common green building certification program worldwide, and LEED-certified buildings offer operational savings of up to 20% compared to traditional buildings. Selecting an efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is also an integral part of building a sustainable home.